Soon, more info about Body&Heart Retreat 2025 from € 1000 IN MARCH
(Contact Daniel here for up to date info)
The Info below is from the previous retreat in Europe

Connect with your vulnerability. Allow yourself to be emotionally authentic. Develop self-love with the full potential of your being through sensorial practices.
Learn how to connect in a deeper and richer way within yourself and others.
It`s all about sensitizing ourselves and our bodies, reframing values and perception of pleasure, connection and sexuality. Expanding it to a higher a state of consciousness. Open up the divine masculine and feminine within. Come as you are (straight, bi, gay, discreet, single, couple, trio. It doesn't matter!).
In this workshop we will have 24 hours of practice in 3 days. You can arrive before and enjoy the beautiful Lua Nua Hotel.
The first step will be: > Become aware of one's limits and how to communicate them during the process.
You will experience:
- Meditation for Non-Meditators
- Group energy dynamics
- Pair connection exercises
- Ritual for nudity and embracing vulnerability (optional/adaptable)
- Developing state of openness, perception and pleasure.
- the 5 elemental touches
- Sensory art-installation
- Physical, emotional and auric empathetic openness
Also trip in circular meditations:
- In Group and in pairs Multi-Dimensional Healing Visualizations
We will also be doing a lot of Heart Sharing to tune into our feelings and share them in words (this is part of the super sensing process, not just the body work).

Everything to make it easier for you to open up and shine in your vulnerability and authenticity.
Some talks and discussions of different points of view about gender roles, sexual orientation, self image, performative sex, pornography, chems, fetish and all those mind tricks that might keep us far away from real pleasure..
For singles, mono-couples, open-couples.
Here all religious, spiritual expressions and different creeds in favor of love and compassion are welcome. The workshop is not intended to convert anyone, but to open our perception to reality through our feeling. For some people the workshop exercises can be very powerful destroying or reframing internal issues (guilt, shame, inadequacy, low self-esteem, self hate, own body/apperance hate, emotional/relational issues) that come from some specific religions. Dani (facilitator) shares some of his personal practices that are very syncretic. If you don't feel comfortable or if you are offended by the syncretisms (mixing different rituals or spiritual practices for our own purpose) , this is not your place! If you don't believe in anything spiritual (as most of the participants), don't worry, you'll have a lot of fun and feel deep connection!
About LUA NUA guest house
Slideshow pics ( click on the sides to change)
This edition of the workshop will take place in the fabulous Lua Nua in Portugal, a unique place with total privacy and clothing optional.
Seladas de Cima 7630-578 São Teotónio / Zambujeira do Mar
Closest airport is Faro (1 hour 20 minutes drive),
Lisbon is also 2,5 hours drive
We recommend to rent a car (usually the best deals)
Other option is a train to Santa Clara Saboia from Lisbon or Faro -
Junior room (queen bed) - 900 € per person (sharing bed) or 1.600 for single use
Studio - 950 € per person (individual beds in a room for 3)
Superior - 1000 € per person (individual bed in a room for 2)
Revolut, Paypal, Transferwise.
GET IN TOUCH IF YOU FEEL THE CALL (Don't think, just feel if you should come or not)
Registration via Whatsapp: +5511974556591
Open the videos on youtube, click on ⚙️ and turn subtitles on
I don't see "non-standard" body people in their images. I don't see myself represented! Is this event for me?
First of all, I apologize for not being able to represent all human diversity in my communication. I post pictures of participants who are comfortable with being exposed. Gradually I am building a plural image that best represents the retreat.
In tantra we want precisely to go beyond image and objectification to feel a. real connection. In addition, we will have many practices of self-love and self-acceptance.
What if I get ho.rn.y? I'm super
That's great! You will have more energy available to perform the exercises.
You will get new tools to learn how to channel your sexual energy into other areas of your life!
I don't want or can't appear in photos/videos!
The event will be filmed and photographed. You can pay the fee to become unrecognizable (blur on face and tattoos) in photos and videos. Just remember this is the main tool to keep the event alive. So Dani really appreciate if you can be part of our digital art (video and photos)
Dani will always show you and asks your permission before posting anything, if you decide to show up.
Is it just for couples? Or Singles? How does it work?
You can come as a single person. You can come as a monogamous couple; together or separated.
This is a individual inner work. The other and the group are there as a support for you to open up. If you still have doubts or insecurities send me a whatsapp. I will be happy to clarify your questions.
Is there nudity? Is it mandatory to be naked?
We have a ritual for body acceptance. You can adapt in the best way for your moment. Nothing is mandatory! Do whatever is more comfortable to you. You just need be aware there will be people naked around you at some point.
I'm a straight man
Hello straight man, if you made it this far and felt called, welcome to the Body&Heart retreat for MEN.
We are mostly gay/bi men wanting to open up affectively and emotionally. I think most likely you feel that same need!
Emotional-affective openness is something that men lack, regardless of sexual orientation.
STRAIGHT MAN CONFIDENT OF HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION: All the straight men who came to my group work had wonderful experiences. Mainly because you won't have to struggle with the desire (eg. in sensory practices) and will go deeper within yourself. This is a unique opportunity. If you were in a group with women it would be more difficult to stay focused on your inner process.!
STRAIGHT MEN INSECURE/Disgusted/DIFFICULTY WITH OTHER MEN: If you feel this is the time for you to open up, welcome! We will be very happy to provide a safe space for you. Remembering, if there is any exercise that you are not comfortable with, you can not do it, adapt it or just watch it. It's a unique opportunity for you to be more relaxed and affectionate with other men in a safe space without judgments.
CURIOUS STRAIGHT MAN: Yes, we will have plenty of space to explore safely and consciously. But much more than exploring mental desire/fantasy, the retreat will bring the perception of energy and love that every human being has, regardless of labels. It can be a much broader opportunity than it seems.
.Is there an org.y at the end? Are the practices about pen.etration and
If you are looking for an event to satisfy your unconscious desire, I do not recommend this retreat! We will not have pen.etrative se.xual practices or anything conventional that you already know!
We will have sensory practices to consciously learn to feel pleasure, lust and tenderness. And also learn to channel that excess of energy, even for healing purposes (yours and others, and thats an amazing feeling!).
If you have this question with you or if you suffer from anxiety/hiperse.xuality, this retreat will help you integrate this energy in a healthy way, sometimes even feeling more pleasure!
I am ashamed and afraid to open up emotionally. Is this for me?
This is a safe space for you to open up at your own pace and at your own way. Everything with fluidity.; slowly.
If you have this kind of difficulty you should come to the retreat. Here it is not a performing space. This are practices to learn how to open up. Be very welcome if you asked yourself this question.
And don`t worry about others: the hipersexual, exhibitionist, boastful, super liberal guys will also face their hindrances. Usually men have a lot of difficulties to allow themselves to feel love and affection. Yet, after the first day usually everybody tunes in empathy. So everyone will be there holding space for you. (And the group will expect the same from you).
I'm very, I'm not interested in spirituality but I feel the call to be there
Welcome. We don't want to indoctrinate anyone, quite the contrary! We want to bring you the feeling of emotional freedom, take your energy to its peak and keep it there for a long period! We want you to clear away any sense of guilt and shame created by religious institutions. Possibly, you might find a transcendental experience. Or simply learn to be more open to life and feel more.
I am only interested in the spiritual part of tantra. Can I just do this part?
Unlike other spiritual practices that deny or repress sexuality, Tantra uses se.xua.l energy as fuel for our divine presence.
We invite you to delve deeper into your spiritual practice integrated with your sexuality. But as I always say, in your time. So yes, you can just to the meditation and energy practices.
How are pairs made? What if there's someone I'm not attracted to?
If you asked yourself this question you must be stuck in the validation cycle in your sexual pursuit. At the retreat you will learn to see beyond appearances and objectification. The choice of partner should be someone who inspires confidence and not necessarily imagery attraction. The exercises in pairs are affective-energetic and not
Sometimes the teacher chooses the pairs, sometimes the choice is free. We usually let fate/randomness choose. OBVIOUSLY if there is someone you don't feel comfortable with for whatever reason you are not obligated.
We will have instructions on how to communicate our limits, desires and learn how to transmute rejection and emotional triggers energy.
What if there are participants out of the purpose of the retreat? Someone unspiritual wanting "something else"...
Excellent! This person will quickly get the vibe of the retreat. In 30 minutes of practice, we will all immerse ourselves in affective communion.
We have many rules on how to behave and deal with our desire and hornyness during practice. The work is precisely how to feel without respond; how to transmute energy and desire into something subtle.
If the person felt called, there is a reason why he's there.
Usually these people have a lot of energy and inevitably, in this retreat, it will reflect very strongly on their emotions. It's going to be an intense inner journey. Do not worry about their behavior.
Part of the job is to understand the moments when we try to take advantage of situations to have a misery of pleasure (ex. trying to feel the masseur We want to learn to put these states of misery aside and step in real pleasure, se.xual, emotional and even spiritual (for some).
Obviously, if the participant does not cooperate with the rules, he will be prevented from doing the practices. (Happened only once in over 25 retreats and workshops).
Don't worry, the instructor is very careful and controlling with the flow of the group. VERY!
I want to find my expansion and I'm worried about people wanting something else.
It is very beautiful and rewarding to see hyperse.xua.lized people learning to channel their sexual energy for healing. It is often these hyperse.xuali.zed people who help those in need of deeper healing. Because they have a lot of energy to give. And they get the healing tools. And magic happens.
I was abused. It's for me ?
Hear the call within your heart.
The retreat process can be very intense but very liberating.
If this issue still destabilizes you, I recommend you doing an individual session (online or in person) beforehand so that we can understand your process
.Is it good for those who can't do sex without ch.ems?
Wonderful. Have you read uol's material about my post-chems resensitization work?
And if there is a participant with negative emotions, will I absorb it?
This is emotional empathetic opening work. So yes, you will absorb everything and learn how to transmute these energies without having to protect yourself and create barriers. Tantra is openness. And we need to have tools to live openly.
Already in the first exercises we will be much lighter and cleaner energetically and emotionally. Don't worry.