- September  (cancelled)
-Athens oct 14 and 15  -Ilhabela retreat Oct 30th till 2nd of Nov. 

Connect with your vulnerability. Allow yourself to go beyond social conditioning and merge with other men. Experience the full potential of your being through sensorial and emotional practices in this energy island.

Learn how to connect in a deeper and richer way within and with other men.

It`s all about sensitizing ourselves and our bodies, reframing values and perception of pleasure, connection and sexuality. Expanding it to a higher a state of consciousness. Come as you are (straight, bi, gay, single, couple, trio. It doesn't matter!).

This is not a performative group but a support group. everyone helping each other  to open up in their own way..

You will experience

  • Emotional Group Bonding
  • Meditation for non meditators
  • Connection exercises for duos
  • ritual for the body exposition and vulnerability reception (very optional)

To reach a state of openness, energy perception and connection.

You will learn and try some Tantric basics body touches

  • 4 elements touches
  • Dance massage.

And trip on circular breathing

  • Group
  • Pairs

We will also do a lot of heart sharing to tune in our feelings and share it in words (this is parte of the super sensitization process, not only the bodywork). 

Depending on the group profile and needs, Daniel the facilitator, might change a bit the script!

Everything to make it easier for you to open up and shine in your vulnerability.

Some talks and discussions of different points of view about gender roles, sexual orientation, self image, performative sex, pornography, chems, fetish and all those mind tricks that might keep us far away from a authentic man to man connection. 

The workshop is a place for you too feel confortable to open up. You are not obligated to do all the activities if you don`t want to. You will only do what if you feel like doing or what you feel you are ready for. Or you can ask the facilitator how to adapt the exercises for your needs.


cancelled ____ September 

No food or accommodation included

We will go for lunch together in a nearby restaurant. You should find your own accomodation to stay in the island.

200,00 Euro  for the one day workshop

Sat from 13.00 till 8pm bali time

contact me if you feel the call

Whatsapp: +5511974556591

 check videos on Instagram highlights of previous Daniel works @bittardaniel




*the videos and photos you see in social media are from previous groups with different purposes that didn't happen in greece. The   workshop will be lighter, without nudity and with no sexual/sex approach. Exercises will be different from what you see in the pictures and videos; all with clothes on.

**this is not tantric-sex/sexual/intercoruse event. 

***The immersion in the island is a space to open up emotionally, nothing else more then that.
****this is not a sex event. Any kind of sexual interaction is forbidden.
*****no drugs allowed.